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Flourishing In a Pandemic!

Enhance your flourishing not only by changing how you think, but also by changing how you act! When the going is difficult and the world a dark place -- Flourish by effort for well-being!

Nona Walia

Can anyone really flourish when surrounded by gloom. Even the word 'flourishing' brings discomfort. A feeling of guilt, as we catalog our losses. Of loved ones, jobs, the ability to travel freely or visit friends. How then, can we flourish amidst misery.

We may think 'success, financial' flourish bring security it's not the mainstay of happiness. So, we aren’t talking about material flourishing. We aren't talking about badges of success or fancy designations in the pandemic, that's not flourishing.

This is a time to invoke your 'inner' self into finding ways to flourish in a time of deep darkness to be able to envision a brighter tomorrow. Now, more than ever, you can appreciate and develop your character to help you flourish. I’ve enjoyed Harvard’s research program on Human Flourishing that has been all about promoting well-being and how we can look for other ways to flourish, in this time of uncertainty and loss. Log in to — to check your flourishing scores. I recommend this app as it will take your well-being to a different zone of learning. Doing so will help — on a personal and societal level—to overcome this crisis. New pathways to flourishing will ease suffering and hardship. Make room to flourish inwardly. Multiple researches are going on around the world to enable flourishing in a pandemic not just living. The concept of human flourishing is interesting, in part because it doesn’t necessarily include wealth as an indicator of achievement.

Finding a flow that excites you is key to flourishing and promoting good mental health. Flourishing, a state of optimal emotional, psychological, and social well-being has shown to have several health benefits for people. Says Tyler VanderWeele, head of Harvard’s Human Flourishing prog ‘You can enhance your flourishing not only by changing how you think, but also by changing how you act.’

How you start your day will decide are you flourishing or languishing? Are you feeling energetic or tired? The rise of #morningvibes on instagram is all about savoring moments that bring joy -- photographing your coffee, plants or sunrise. A research in savoring activity called “mindful photography” reported how it resulted in overall improvements in mood. I was talking to some of my friends who have been helping others in the pandemic, they felt so much more satisfied with their life. Try some acts of kindness to others. It could be something really small like a 'Two minute favour' -- sending uplifting photograph to someone who is feeling down, with a good message, introducing two people who might benefit from each other, sending a podcast to someone with a note. Just small things to lift someone's day and vibes, will give you a feeling of happiness.

There are days, when I try new habits, new things, new recipes -- even in these very gloomy times. Simply because, they may give insight to a new path. It's about finding small ways to flourish. Work on your little tiny garden at home, every small flower leaves you with a flourishing feeling. The concept of flourishing is a hard one to wrap one’s head around after the past year, and that makes it all the more important to try.

The tougher the times we live in, harder you have to try to have that feeling that you are flourishing. Flourishing is similar to having optimal well-being. It includes experiencing positive emotions as well as good mental and physical health, these must be incorporated into daily living.

When the going is difficult, know that how you choose to flourish will decide your road and life ahead:

Persevere. Stick at it. Be a daydreamer. Visualize the life you want. The lockdowns have been disruptive, the pandemic losses have been hard. However, don’t be afraid to work at attaining happiness. Appreciate life and beauty in different forms, savour moments. Celebrate them. You are alive and feel that aliveness. That will enable you to help others.

Empower your strengths. Happy people are significantly more aware of and better at utilising their core strengths. Find new ways to strengthen your character. Make a list how you want to be the best version of yourself. Have creative thinking, richer connections.

Tap Into Your Inner Optimist: If you are feeling down, turn the vibe. Don't ignore the negative. Learn to shift your mindset to thinking about some things that made you feel happy, excited, or joyful. Recall one thing that made you proud of yourself. Catalog small wins.

A sense of deep spirituality. Have a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Spirituality is about having faith and keeping the hope alive for better times.

Reminiscence Funny Things: Every day for one week, write down the three funniest things you’ve experienced. Journaling about humorous experiences can shift your long-term perspective.

Playfulness: Playfulness makes the brain more receptive to learning. Appeal to your fun side. Having fun sparks creativity and positive energy.

Ask what makes you alive: The world needs people who feel energetic and alive, ask yourself: what excites you, what turns alive and wild.

Everyday ways to flourish:

Be Yourself

Take an Awe-Walk.

Find ways for personal growth even in static times

Have a purpose

Social contribution: make a difference. Do good deeds.

Social integration: Exchange your thoughts, have conversations to stimulate new ideas

Mindfulness: Be here and now.

Savoring and celebrating small things.

Gratitude activity

Transcendence (appreciation of beauty, hope, humor, spirituality)

Wisdom (creativity, curiosity, judgment, love of learning, perspective).

Dream positive: Imagine a bright future.

Best possible self activity: Visualise your best possible self and how you can achieve it. Imagine/daydream/write.

Savoring activity: One day of week list the things that give you pleasure. Recognize the good and enhance it.

Gratitude activity: Count the things you are grateful for.

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